Do you have moments where you stop in the middle of what you are doing and say to yourself "This is so cool!" or "Wait, I get to do this?." Those moments when you pause to revel in the joy and wonder of being right where you are. See that smile on my face? I'm having one of those moments. In one of my favorite places (more on that later).
For almost 30 years I have been bringing the gospel of food love to folks everywhere. From restaurant and catering kitchens to home kitchens, indoor and outdoor classrooms, farms to farmers markets, corporations and small businesses, I've had the joy of interacting with people in so many different settings. My career has been an amazing evolution of learning and experiences.
I learned classic culinary skills and techniques in professional and educational institutions; restaurant, hotel and catering kitchens of all sizes, while soaking up everything I could in the epitome of "hand's on" training and education. I was fortunate to have incredible mentors and teachers in both. They provided me with a solid foundation and springboard from which to explore my creativity.
Opportunities to expand and explore presented themselves, and one day I found myself teaching a cooking class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. I discovered a deep love of connecting with people through food and communal experience. Of coming together in a kitchen to learn and cook and share stories. I sought out occasions to teach in all kinds of settings from public and private schools, non-profit educational programs, and after-school recreational programs.
Fifteen years after that first class, I was still teaching while continuing to broaden my horizons. I began to help folks navigate their personal food and wellness journeys. Recognizing that our diet is more than just what we eat; it is how we think, what we feel, our habits and culture. Being "well" is the integration of mind, body and spirit. I realized that changing a habit isn't as simple as saying "Eat a carrot instead of an Oreo", so I delved deeper. I received my certification as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner in 2014 with a few other courses of study and certifications along the way.
I am deeply passionate about local food, farming and agriculture. Farmers markets are my happy place (see photo above). It is more than just food. It is a place to gather on Saturday mornings, meet our farmers, support our local economy, discover new tastes, and strengthen our bonds of community and connection to the land and ourselves.
Bringing the gospel of food love, for me, has evolved over the years, but I have always been rooted in the belief that food is love, medicine, connection and one of the most basic and fundamental pleasures in life. I adore what I do and feel blessed to share what sparks my soul. I am inspired every day. My work is truly a labor of love.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope we meet at the table sometime soon.
Remember to Eat Well and Nourish Your Soul.
Miss Holly